Cependant, les donneurs doivent se soumettre à des règles très strictes comme : aider à la procréation d'un maximum de 25 bébés. Cette directive est mise en place pour assurer la protection des futurs enfants et surtout pour éviter les risques de consanguinité, l'inceste et les problèmes psychologiques. Malgré cela, Jonathan a donné son sperme pour plus de 25 cliniques ainsi que pour des sites privés. Donc depuis 2007 cet homme a engendré entre 550 et 600 enfants.
Une mère de la fondation Donorkind "enfant de donneur ", une association qui aide les futurs parents à trouver un donneur, a engagé une procédure en référé contre ce "donneur en masse". D'après les médias néerlandais, Il continue à chercher des futurs parents sur des sites dédiés et sur les réseaux sociaux. La plaignante a rencontré ce donneur via une plateforme sur laquelle il promet d'aider à la procréation d'un maximum de 25 enfants, conformément aux mesures des cliniques néerlandaises. Mais l'homme a généré en réalité 100enfants rien que dans les centres de don néerlandais et un nombre inconnu via des cliniques danoises qui ont envoyées, son sperme, dans divers pays...
Une mère de la fondation Donorkind "enfant de donneur ", une association qui aide les futurs parents à trouver un donneur, a engagé une procédure en référé contre ce "donneur en masse". D'après les médias néerlandais, Il continue à chercher des futurs parents sur des sites dédiés et sur les réseaux sociaux. La plaignante a rencontré ce donneur via une plateforme sur laquelle il promet d'aider à la procréation d'un maximum de 25 enfants, conformément aux mesures des cliniques néerlandaises. Mais l'homme a généré en réalité 100enfants rien que dans les centres de don néerlandais et un nombre inconnu via des cliniques danoises qui ont envoyées, son sperme, dans divers pays...
Que risque ce donneur de sperme ?Jonathan M., 41 ans, un donneur de sperme en série, à l’origine d’au moins 550 naissances, a été interdit par la justice néerlandaise de faire don de sa semence. pic.twitter.com/KjVwKHoNWi
— cultinews (@cultinews) April 29, 2023
La Cour de justice a statué. Jonathan M. n'a plus le droit d'être donneur. L'homme qui avait donné sa semence à au moins 12 cliniques, risque de payer 100 000 euros, par nouvel enfant, s'il viole cette interdiction. "Il est donc dans leur intérêt que ce réseau de parenté ne s'étende pas davantage ", précise dans un communiqué le tribunal du district de La Haye en Nouvelle Zélande. Le tribunal ajoute "le donateur a délibérément mal informé les futurs parents sur le nombre des enfants qu'il avait déjà engendrés dans le passé " et les victimes "font partie d'un vaste réseau de parenté, avec des centaines de demi-frères et sœurs, qu'ils n'ont pas choisis." Jonathan M. est interdit de communiquer avec de nouveaux futurs parents.
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En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
En Mai, 2023i am making $162/hour telecommuting. i never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply
copy and open this site--------- https://homijob.blogspot.com
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En Décembre, 2023don't miss your chance to get from 20$ to 750$ in jto tokens from jito network's!!!
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En Décembre, 2023ne manquez pas votre chance de recevoir de 20 à 750$ en jetons jto de la part du réseau jito !!!
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